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Going to 'Peers' to solve problems - is it Shirk? - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Going to Peers to solve problems is it Shirk Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Going to Peers to solve problems is it Shirk Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Going to Peers for help... Is it shirk? | Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
How to deal with parents & relatives who perform shirk, innovations, wrong things etc? Assimalhakeem
Is going to a doctor Shirk as cure comes only from Allah? - Assim al hakeem
Going to Dargah, Shrine & make dua to Allah through barakah & status of the deceased assim al hakeem
Going to Peers and Maulanas & Ruling on hanging Ayahs of the Quran on walls - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Struggling to find a job, lack of provision & sustenance, what to do? - Assim al hakeem
If a Muslim commits Shirk and does Tawbah, will he be forgiven - Fariq Zakir Naik
Husband Wife Go To Mazaar Shrine Dargah Believe In Peer Shirk Is Marriage Valid Haram Ammaar Saeed